HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL – Acton, Massachusetts 1998 - 2004
Product Specialist, Wintriss Group
[Web Site]
Oversaw metal stamping software-related activities for a provider of wide range of products from aerospace
and defense to home HVAC control equipment, ranking number 206 on Global 500 list of largest companies.
Coordinated software and hardware engineering groups in implementation of next generation data acquisition
software. Manually tested new versions, determined release dates and worked with beta sites around
country to gather customer experiences. Worked with technical writers on documentation and made additions
to troubleshooting guides distributed to technical support staff and posted on company web site.
Researched new drivers and hardware devices that could enhance product lines. Handled tier three
troubleshooting calls.
Given Bravo Award for applying and maintaining high level of safety consciousness in work environment.
Achieved Six Sigma Greenbelt-Completion and acceptance of team project to improve recording and
elevation of customer problem resolution requests, addressing operating costs, resulting in faster and more
accurate account of customer calls in both troubleshooting and sales and improving ability to get
information or help back to customer in timely fashion. Developed software to track calls as they come in,
assign them to necessary resources, time response to closure and store issues and solutions in database.
Additional Accomplishments
Created test routines across multiple OS platforms, recording errors and bugs in Oracle
database and presented weekly project status reports to division managers, engineering staff and developers.
Assisted with and managed tech writers in creation of manuals and editing of addenda, marketing copy,
installation guides and help files that became standard company-wide documents.
Resolved problem with software crashing for no apparent reason, researching, testing, working on-site
with client and ultimately identifying problem with print driver software. Worked with HP, Cannon and
Microsoft to resolve at their end with better drivers, testing and providing working drivers in interim.
Designed demo software and training seminars for an average of 40 people, benefiting Sales and customer
Developed, tested and demonstrated working model of new data acquisition software used to show potential
customers and sales people functionality and to train customers and technical staff in use of product
without disrupting real operational software, resulting in 60% increase in sales of product.
Selected, purchased and learned software to create interactive help program that could be integrated
with software or used as standalone product distributed to clients, sales and technical support. Developed
section to help customers troubleshoot issues, resulting in reduction in number of customer support calls.
Developed and distributed improved version of software, working with engineering and
clients to determine how to transmit data from control hardware to software and what data and functionality
were needed by customers. Tested software, corrected bugs and brought to beta, further working to improve
software. Project brought company up to date in technology and gave competitive edge to hardware sales.