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The Following lists the largest to the smallest energy consumers in the average home
- Heating and cooling system
- Lighting
- Hot water system
- Laundry system
- Other
This list contains some things you can do to lower your bill without paying a nickel
- Lower the thermostat in the winter, and raise it in the summer by a degree or two a month
- Candle light dinners are relaxing, and save energy, as do dark rooms with spooky movies
- Turn that washing machine temperature to detergents work just as well
- Make sure your refrigerator(s) and freezers are not running too cold (take their temperature)
The following is a list of definitions and a bit of help in saving energy
- Gas Pedal
- The thing on the floor of your car you are pushing too hard! Actually by slowing your acceleration even a bit, you may increase your cars mileage by at least 2 or 3 MPG. With an average of 15,000 miles a year you could use at least 31 - 46 gallons less a year.
- Brake Pedal
- The other pedal on the floor you are pushing too hard! The more planning ahead you do when driving, the less you find yourself having to push the brake. What does braking have to do with fuel consumption? Every time you push that brake, you are reducing the efficiency of the fuel that you just used to get you up to the speed you were rolling at. Let off the gas earlier, and let gravity slow you down before applying the brakes (if even necessary).
- Watt
- No it's not what you say when you see how much your energy bill is at the end of the month; but it is something you should aim to reduce. A Watt is a unit of measurement of power. The more Watts you use, the more you pay, the less you use, the less you pay. Funny how that works. Another benefit is cleaner air and water. WATT?!!
*Results will vary by each energy savings idea. Further study must be done for best results before investing time and money
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